Runes and Rainbows

About Runes and Rainbows Readings

The runes and their interpretations provide the framework and foundation of a Runes and Rainbows reading. The application of the interpretation for each rune is guided by information sourced from your chakras and aura, together with the energies you are currently building for the future. Integrating these extra layers of information in an integrated way allows the meaning of the runes to be applied in a more individual way. Current situations and aspects of future potential, along with areas of personal responsibility, talents and choices, are highlighted. We can also look as your developing soul pathway, and how this energy is seeking to express itself. Your session should leave you with enhanced self-understanding and inspiration, as well as a clearer understanding of the future you are currently building and potential possibilities for change.

All Runes and Rainbows readings and coaching sessions offer the opportunity to select additional runes to target a specific area of life you would like to look at in more depth.

Runes and Rainbows Coaching begins with a Runes and Rainbows reading targeted on personal or issue development followed by solution focused enquiry to define and build your own supportive structure around your chosen changes! Coaching is focused on those aspects that you want to put work into changing, so it is important to choose your goal for change with this in mind. This is also available as a 70 minute session – cost 9990 ISK.

PLEASE NOTE: The future potential that is referred to in any reading relates to strong likelihoods rather than certainties. Choice-points are often highlighted in readings, but ALL decisions and their outcomes are your own responsibility. Your reading is NOT a substitute for medical, legal or other professional advice.

A Runes and Rainbows Reading covers around 6 months in depth and takes 45 minutes – cost 7000 ISK.
A Gold Standard Runes and Rainbows Reading covers around 12 months in depth and takes 70 minutes – cost 9990 ISK.                      A Runes and Rainbows Coaching Session will help you to define and focus on goals for change, whilst also offering an understanding of underlying spiritual dynamics. These coaching sessions take 70 minutes – cost 9990 ISK.

A Personal understanding of the Mind and Spirit

My understanding of the mind and of spirit interweaves an evolutionary understanding of the physical brain with spiritual beliefs and a holistic vision in which everything is connected. This is a vision in which our thoughts, beliefs and emotions are part of the universal mind, or spirit. In this sphere even a neural pathway generates an energy which is both influencing and being influenced by the universal mind. When we grow and generate more positive, helpful, loving thoughts and emotions we upgrade not just our own energy but the energy of the universal mind playing our part in moving evolution forward.

When we understand more of the spiritual power animating our lives and flowing from and through us we live in within a greater awareness which has a higher frequency vibration. We can feel our place within the living and evolving cosmos or sea of consciousness becoming more mindful, thoughtful, altruistic and empowered. We operate at a frequency which is far closer to the vibration of the creative source of all that is, or of pure love.

Some Thoughts on Opportunities to Grow and Life Challenges

I am of the view that before we set foot on our earthly journeys we choose to grow or develop in particular ways. The energetic seed pattern of these chosen growth opportunities is then encoded within the pattern at the centre of our soul, encapsulated within a vibrational frequency which will attract the equivalent vibration here on earth and thus the lesson. Whilst this seed pattern ensures we must encounter the lesson we have choice and freewill. Lessons come in many forms bringing both great joy and great challenges.

We will carry the vibration of the lesson until we have learnt that lesson and thus release the attracting pattern. It may be that we do not learn the lesson at the first opportunity and keep attracting the same lesson in various forms until we fulfill this aspect of our sacred soul contract. Each of us also has many possibilities held within our soul energy just waiting to be nurtured into life as we play our part in the cosmic dance of life.

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